This update is as of May 28, 2020.
FCC family,
On Sunday May 31 at 10 am we will have our first in-person service since the beginning of Covid-19. As we prepare for this service we would like to update you on some differences you will see as you return to First Christian Church. First we would like to say that your leadership has continually prayed and discussed how to and when to open back up; we have sought God’s guidance in every decision. We ask that you be patient with us as we attempt to balance the desire to be back together as a church family with the proper precautions needed to be taken in order to protect everyone, especially those who are the most susceptible to this virus. We ask that you practice Grace towards each at all times. Some of the precautions being taken are:
· We ask that you follow CDC guidelines for washing hands and social distancing.
· Face masks are highly recommended; the choice to wear them will be up to each individual.
· We ask that anyone that has respiratory issues or other health issues and those 65 years of age and older refrain from attending in person; please continue to Worship with us online at this time. The sermon will be online live this Sunday.
· All areas that will be occupied have been thoroughly cleaned
· Entrance into the building will be through the main entrance only. Doors will be opened for you.
· Hand sanitizer stations will be available throughout the lobby
· Entrance into the Worship Center will be through the main doors only.
· Seating in the Worship Center has been reduced by 50%
-Seating will be in sections of 4 seats separated using CDC guidelines of social distancing
· Once the Worship Center is filled, the overflow areas will be FLC 205 (Children’s Worship) and EDW 105.
-Again the seating will be in sections of 4 using social distancing.
Sunday’s order of Worship will be slightly different than what we have done in the past. We will begin with our teaching time through the sermon. After the teaching time we will have a time of communion. Communion will be available in individual cups with bread on a table in the front lobby as you enter that morning. Boxes for Offering and Connection cards are available as you leave the Worship Center both on the inside and out in the lobby. After the time of communion we will adjourn to the Picnic Pavilion for a time of Worship through song.
Thank you for your patience as we make our way through this time together and know that God is in control of all things.