Little Lights Easter Experience

Easter may look different this year, but the message NEVER changes! Jesus is ALIVE!

Below you will find everything you need to have an incredible Easter experience for the whole family. There are games, activities,  the Easter story and music. Our prayer is that through this experience your family will celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Big Picture Question

Why did Jesus become human?

God the Son ha d a good reason to become a man! Jesus became human to obey His Father's plan and rescue sinners.

For so many years, God's people, the Israelites, tried and failed to obey God. The only way God's law could be fully obeyed was for God Himself to come to earth as a man and live a perfect life. 

This was the only was all mankind could be saved!

Resources Needed for Worship Experience:

Below you will find the two games that will be played during the experience and a list of everything you need to do it when the video prompts you.

Peep Jousting




-Microwave safe plate


Easter Egg Throwdown


-Socks (lots of them)

-Clothes basket/box

Worship Songs

Below is a few worship songs to help you focus on Jesus this morning.


Easter Experience Video


Continue worshiping through communion, offering, and prayer.


Take a moment as a family and worship through time of communion. Grade some juice and a few crackers and spend a few minutes thank Jesus for His sacrifice on the cross. Thank Jesus for obeying God's plan to save sinners. The juice reminds us of Jesus blood that covers the cost of our sins. The bread reminds us of Jesus body that was hung on the cross. Communion reminds us of the cost of being forgiven of our sins.


Even though we are not meeting physically together, the mission of the church continues. At Fist Christian Church we are all about making disciples in Cookeville, Putnam County, and to the ends of the earth. One way that we do that is through giving financially to the church. You can do that online, drop off your offering at the church office, or mailing your offering in to the church.


Before everyone goes running around the house, take a moment and pray as a family.