To make your church at home experience easy, we have designed this page so all you have to do is scroll down, click play on each video, and read each section in order to host church at home.
Main Worship Service
Current Series:
Prayers Of No Return
Praying is always a good idea. The Apostle Paul teaches us to “pray continually”
(1 Thess. 5:17). But some prayers are different. Some prayers are a central piece of a life-changing decision. Maybe you’ve prayed a prayer like this. If you have, you remember it well. Maybe it went something like this,
“God, I surrender!”
“God, I believe!”
“God, please...”.
Come join us for worship in March as we consider “PRAYERS OF NO RETURN!” Four prayers, that when sincerely offered, have the potential to change your life-- forever!
Prayer 1: God, break my heart...
Prayer 2: God, transform my life...
Prayer 3: God, empty me of me...
Prayer 4: God, here am I, send me!
A few things to start your group time:
Let us know you worshipped with us at home this morning by filling out our digital connection card.
Even though we are not meeting together at First Christian Church here are two ways you can continue to give to further the mission of making disciples in Cookeville, Putnam County and to the ends of the earth:
2. Offering Envelopes
(You or your small group leader can drop them off at First Christian Church during 8am and 3pm this week.)
Download or open YouVersion and access the sermon notes:
Spend a few minutes in prayer together.
Here are a few songs we recommend for a time of worship with your family or small group.
Prayers Of No Return!
"God, teach me how to have authentic relationships."
Sermon, Communion, and Offering Videos coming soon!
Sermon Notes
Talk It Over Questions:
1. Why do you think we all desire authentic relationships in our lives?
2. Read 1 John 1:7. How does walking in light of God's love, holiness and truth, lead to us having authentic fellowship with one another?
3. Read Ephesians 5:2. Paul is speaking about agape love, I.e. "godly love." Agape is focused on doing what is best for others in light of God's Word. How does walking in this kind of love lead to deeper, more authentic relationships?
Have kids?
Head over to our kids worship service page and let your kids lead your family or group through a worship time geared specifically for them.